Order ID Numbers are sent once your order is confirmed. You can find your order number in your Order Confirmation email, along with additional information about your order. Your Order ID Number is the best way to identify and to track your order. If you cannot find your Order Confirmation, just drop us an email and we will send you a new one.
There are a few reasons why this might happen:
There may have been a typo in the email address you entered. (typos- we all make them!!).
The email may have been routed to your spam / junk / promotion folder.
o Check these folders. You can also search for our email address service@engravingift.shop and hopefully it will show up in the results.
o Mark our email as 'Not Spam' in your email service.
Some orders get stopped before being confirmed, this could happen because of special characters in inscription, special requests made by you, an error with the shipping address, or other such matters.
Please allow 24hrs for your order to process, and for our team to release the order into a confirmed status.
If you are still unable to locate your confirmation email after 24 hours, please contact our team (service@engravingift.shop ) and we will be sure to resend it to you.
You can find out your Order Status here: Track Order